These are participant or “coachee” testimonials from our pilot (2023/2024) personal development and coaching program called The Thrive Tribe.

Featured images (above and home page) are courtesy of our team member, Chylian Ify Azuh who is our Director of Global Migrant Support and board member, Thrive Tribe participant, partner, and Founder of FRMNET (Female Returned Migrants Network).
Brenna (Canada)
The Thrive Tribe helped me through one of the most difficult times of my life. And they are like my second family.
Chylian (Nigeria)
My favorite parts of the program would be the interactive sessions with my mentor and group coaching sessions. These elements brought a safe space of vulnerability, growth, and connection with like-minded individuals. The program’s holistic approach, including mindfulness, self-care, and goal setting, was really appealing to me. Also, I value the flexibility and accessibility of this program, giving participants the room to engage with it at their own pace.
Jefiter (Nigeria)
I now see I have the power of choice and I choose not to be a victim. I can see how change is possible. I have now seen my limiting beliefs first-hand and have dropped some of them. I realize that as long as I am willing to learn and grow, I can make things possible. I also can accept myself and focus on what is in my control. The key thing [is] self-compassion; the gift of empathy. I realized since I can be kinder to myself, [and] it’s easier now to be kinder to others. I’ve realized I am more calm in the face of situations, and being more calm gives me that opportunity to think clearly. Irrespective of what I do or do not do [now], I am worthy. I am worthy of love. I’m worthy of respect, and I can give more of that to others because I am learning to give that to myself.
I think that self-awareness is there [now]. I know my limits. I think I’ve been able to understand some triggers [the PQ program]; why some things happen or trigger me. I had a friend in another city. We had some difficulties recently and I approached it in a different way, by sharing what I learned. She was explaining things and I could see it was some patterns in her life; negative patterns. I just smiled. I was now using these new words. She came back [and] was thankful. She said, “Okay, now I understand. I need to be in charge. I understand why I keep going like this.” I said, “Yeah, you’ve been self-sabotaging yourself.” Here in Africa when things happen like that we spiritualize it. They say, “Oh, somebody has done voodoo, you know, the devil.” Unfortunately, you are the person sabotaging yourself.
To be honest, [TTT] exceeded my expectations. I wanted some little steps, but now I see that everything has been affected…my life itself, even my ministry, helping my husband, and majorly for me, helping me to pen down my thoughts. I’ve been keeping journals and writing with a clear head. I also wanted structure. I seemed to be doing a lot without clarity and focus, but now through the mentorship, I see things more clearly and with purpose. I’ve found structure in my life. I feel more fulfilled as a person because I stick to the things I set out to do. I’m learning to prioritize.
[Regarding mentoring] It was top-notch. My mentor and I suited each other. I used to frown at mentoring because I thought it was hierarchical, but my mentor was open, nice, and eager to help. She was firm when needed, which made a big difference for me. Her statement about being authentic was a defining moment that helped me take a turn.
The community [was] always great. We honestly had a safe space.
Rita (Nigeria)
I got a lot of benefits from the program. I stopped judging myself, [and] I empathize more now with myself after TTT.
The one thing that most stood out for me was the opportunity to be mentored by the amazing Chachu. Even after the program ended, she still provides support [to me]. She reaches out to know how I am doing. She is my favorite accountability partner. With her influence, I was able to get on a clarity call with a career coach, and a session that shaped the path that I am currently taking.
Rose (Cameroon)
There is no comparison to the Rose before The Thrive Tribe and this person you’re talking to right now. I know everyone doesn’t always want to go to work but trust me this person now is a go-getter. Now I look behind me at my past and I will say, you know what, there is nothing behind there for you.
TTT was family. [It] made it a lot clearer to me how important it is to be in a community with people. I shared experiences, [was] able to talk freely, share [my own] experiences, and grow together. I always look[ed] forward to Tuesdays; just talking, every other person listening, and there to encourage you. It’s a lot because sometimes people really don’t understand what you go through. So every relationship meant a lot to me at every given point.
The saboteurs part [The PQ program], trust me, that was a highlight for me. That really got to me because I realized that 90% of the saboteurs were actually what was holding me down, and immediately I started doing most of the things. I became more conscious of everything I was doing at any given time. I was sure of everything that I wanted to do, and making sure that I saw it to the end irrespective of the barriers, or what the saboteurs would say. These past few months, trust me, I have kept moving forward.
TTT just kept me pushing and looking for solutions… if this doesn’t work, I have to do this. It is up to me. If this doesn’t work, I have to try something else.